05 Abr Is that your phone?” 1
Reflec on the functioning of the FL in communication, in order to improve their own...
Reflec on the functioning of the FL in communication, in order to improve their own...
Develop communcative skills, both orally and in written form through specific tasks...
Reflect on the function of language in communication in order to improve their own productions...
Use comprehension strategies that allow the inference of unknown meaning through context...
Understand and interpret critically oral, written and visual texts emited in habitual situations of communication...
· Use comprehension strategies that allow the inference of unknown meaning through context...
To use the foreign language in oral and written way to express their attitude towards immigration with a composition...
Understand and share oral and written information about Shakespeare and his time...
Read different types of text in an autonnomous way...
Understand and interpret critically oral, written and visual texts.· Read general texts or adequated to their interests without a dictionar...