Subject: English and its didactic. Course: 2nd (Magisterio de Inglés)
0. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
1. – English Area Curriculum………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.1-General Objectives…………………………………………………………………………. 4
1.2-Blocks of Contents………………………………………………………………………….. 5
1.3-Assessment Criteria………………………………………………………………………… 6
2. – Educative Project of the Centre…………………………………………………………… 10
2.1- Context and Languages Program…………………………………………………….. 10
2.2- Class characteristics…………………………………………………………………….. 12
2.3-Collateral Topic of the Centre…………………………………………………………… 14
3. Curricular Project of the Centre…………………………………………………………….. 14
3.1-Sequencing of the general objectives………………………………………………… 14
3.2-Sequencing of the assessment criteria……………………………………………….. 15
4.-Collateral Topics……………………………………………………………………………….. 16
5. – Cross-Curricular Aspects…………………………………………………………………… 18
6. – Methodology and groupings……………………………………………………………….. 19
6.1-Methodology……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
6.2-Groupings…………………………………………………………………………………… 19
6.3. – Special Educative Needs……………………………………………………………… 20
7. – Materials……………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
8. – Didactic Units of the Year Program……………………………………………………….. 23
8.1. – Timing of the Didactic Units…………………………………………………………. 23
8.2. – Development of the Units…………………………………………………………….. 25
9. – Evaluation……………………………………………………………………………………… 64
10. – Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………. 66
11. – Annexe………………………………………………………………………………………..67
0. Introduction
In XXI century society, we must prepare our pupils to live in a world which is becoming more and more international, multicultural and multilingual.
The main objective of the area of Foreign Language is to enable our students to speak, listen, read and write in this Language from the beginning of their learning.
Foreign Language classes are essential to our pupils’ learning, because most of them never use the second language out of the class.
Therefore, we want our pupils to achieve comunicative competence in the oral and written way, in social contexts acording to their age.
We have used to do this section of the year program the Decree 111/2007 of Primary Education Curriculum for the Valencian Community
1.1 General objectives
1. – Listening and understanding messages, using transmitted information to develop tasks related to their experiences.
2. – Communicating orally in easy and everyday situations, using verbal and non verbal communication and adopting a respectful and cooperative attitude.
3. – Writing texts previously worked in class using models of diverse finalities.
4. – Reading comprehensively for pleasure and to obtain information according to a final goal.
5. – Learning to use with a progressive autonomy all the resources around them, including the new technologies to obtain information and to communicate in the foreign language.
6. – Using the foreign language progressively to affirm and wide already known contents of the non linguistic areas to learn new ones.
7. – Valuing the foreign language and any language, as an understanding and communication means among people from different nationalities and diverse cultures as learning tool for diverse contents.
8. – Showing a receptive, interested and trusting attitude in their own learning ability and in the use of the foreign language.
9. – Using the previous knowledge and experiences with other languages for a faster, positive and autonomous acquisition of the foreign language.
10. – Using any language of the curriculum as information and learning tool, bearing in mind the competence developed in each one of them.
11. – Identifying phonetic, rhythmic, stress and intonation aspects, as the linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the foreign language and using them as basic communication elements.
1.2.Blocks of contents
Block 1, Listen , speak and converse acquires , in this stage , special relevancy. The limited presence of the foreign language in the social context does that the linguistic model contributed by the school be the first source of knowledge learning of the language. The mention model will have to gather the variety of speeches, usual expressions, phonetic and prosodic shapes own of different royal situations of communication , with the support of the audio-visual conventional means and with the communication and information technologies . The speeches used in the classroom are at the same time vehicle and object fo learning , by the currículum it has atended as to the knowledge of linguistic elements as to its capacity uses to the development of the communicative tasks .
Block 2 , Read , Write in coherence with the other , it pretends the knowledge of the written language. The progressive use of the written language it will depend on the degree of knowledge of the oral forms and of the progressive safety in the graphic representation of the language sounds, normally different of the own language. In order to overcome this lack of safety, there are recommended the use of dictionaries and other means of consulting (convencional or digital) for the comprenhension or composition of all kind of texts.
Block 3, Language knowledge , it includes as linguistic knowledges as contents of reflection of the learning . The point of the item was the situations of use that foment the acquisition of rules by the language development , so that all of the pupils can establish what elements of the foreign language , it behave that in languages that it knows developing the confidence in his aptitude to be served it .
Block 4 , The language as an instrument of learning, claims that the student could be acquiring of progressive form contents of the matters curricular not linguistics. It will split of the accomplishment of simple projects, experiments and manipulative and be in context activities, in that they are resumed, there guarantee or expand contents of the not linguistic areas, with few cognitive demand and that already have been acquired in the L1 or L2.
The contents of Block 5 , Sociocultural aspects and Intercultural conscience , contribute to that boys and girls know his customs, ways of social relationship, features and particularities of the countries where the people speak foreign language; definitely , ways of live different from the own ones . It will promote the respect and the interest of the cultural and social realities.
Block 6 The communication and information technology
Is in this area where the information and communication technology obtains its maximum belonging .The possibility of working directly of real texts , The possibility to accede to cultural elaborated products ( songs , tales and films ) and to comunícate with the speakers with the same age or to participate in joint projects, In addition to the intrinsic attraction that have for the younger apprentices , They do of the TIC a global context that grants interest and relevancy to all of the activities that can be easily done at language class .
1.3.Assessment criteria
1st Cycle Assessment Criteria.
1. – Getting the global idea and identifying some specific elements in oral texts, with the help of linguistic and non linguistic elements related with class activities and their surroundings.
2. – Reading and identifying words and easy sentences previously worked orally about familiar topics and their interests, through fun and communicative activities, with visual, mimics and verbal support.
3. – Writing words and expressions orally used known by the student from models and with an specific task.
4. – Participating in class activities and very controlled oral interactions about known topics, in easily predictable communicative situations or related to immediate communicative needs, such as: greetings, expressing their likes, feelings and basic necessities.
5. – Recognising and reproducing some rhythm aural aspects, stress and expressions intonation that appear in communicative contexts or in reading aloud activities, always following a model.
6. – Recognising some basic strategies to learn to learn such as: asking for help, using non verbal communication, using picture dictionaries and identifying some personal aspects that help them to learn better.
7. – Valuing acquiring some autonomy in the spontaneous use of simple and everyday structures and customs.
8. – Showing interest and curiosity for learning the foreign language and recognising the linguistic variety as an enrichment element.
2nd Cycle Assessment Criteria.
1. – Getting the global idea and identifying some specific elements in oral texts, related with class activities and their surroundings with the support of linguistic and non linguistic elements present in communication.
2. – Reading and getting the global and some specific information of easy and diverse texts, adequate to their communicative competence about known topics, with the help of basic strategies with a final task.
3.- Participating in class activities and in oral controlled interactions about known topics, in everyday, predictable, simulated communicative situations or related to communication necessities (talking about their abilities and likes, asking for permission…) respecting the basic exchange rules, such as listening and looking to whom is speaking.
4.- Writing short sentences and diverse significative texts in everyday and school situations, from models, with a specific final task and with an established format, so on paper or digital.
5.- Using expressions and structures of the foreign language containing aural aspects (rhythm, stress and intonation) in different communicative contexts in a meaningful way, in reading aloud activities and where students can participate orally in an active way.
6.- Using some strategies to learn to learn: asking for clarifications, observing models, accompanying communication with gestures, doing associations, using picture dictionaries and bilingual dictionaries, recovering, searching and obtaining information about known topics in different topics and identifying some personal aspects that help him/her to learn better.
7.- Valuing the foreign language as a communication means among other people and showing curiosity and interest towards those speaking the foreign language.
8.- Identifying some daily life aspects, customs and celebrations of the countries where the foreign language is spoken and comparing them with their own.
3rd Cycle Assessment Criteria.
1.- Getting the global idea and identifying some specific information in varied oral texts used in different communication situations.
2.- Reading, quietly and aloud, different texts with increasing vocabulary and more complex expressions, with the help of basic strategies, to obtain explicit information and to obtain direct inferences.
3.- Maintaining everyday and familiar conversations about known topics in predictable communication situations, respecting the basic exchange rules, as listening and looking to the speaker.
4.- Making different written texts from models, on paper and on digital support, paying special attention to the production phases: planning, writing and revising.
5.- Recognising and reproducing as correctly as possible, aural, rhythmic, stress and intonation aspects, in different communicative contexts, and when using the basic structures of the foreign language.
6.- Using some strategies to favour the learning process as: using visual resources and gestures, asking to obtain information, asking for clarifications, using bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, searching, obtaining and organising information in different supports, using the information and communication technologies to contrast and check information, and identifying some aspects that help them to learn better.
7.- Valuing the foreign language as a communication means among other people and as a learning tool, showing curiosity towards those speaking the foreign language and interest to establish personal relations with the help of the new technologies.
8.- Identifying some aspects, customs and traditions of the English speaking countries, making relations and comparisons with their own to develop an intercultural conscience.
2.1 Context and Language Program
It´s a double line school : This year fourth and fifth grade are lost . Nowadays it has registered 343 pupils, distributed in the level of preprimary education- 6 units, Primary education – 10 units . The classrooms has a medium of 22 pupils except 3rd and 6th grade of PIL , that only has 15 pupils .
It has a dinning room service , where 203 pupils eat all days.
The new pupils matriculation is ever constant all of the year because of that the classroom hasn´t covered the maximum established limit by the ratio .
Principles of identity
– The center assume and promote the values of freedom , tolerance , cooperation and solidarity as well as respect and appreciation to the human dignity , withouth forgetting the formation for the peace .
– We can fight against the media powers to eradicte the negative values like the consumerism , xenophobia , competitiveness ..
– We use undistinctively the valencian language and the spanish language depending on the context .
– Methodologic and active line based on the individual education
– Be essential that all of the educative community will be perceiving the arrival of student body immigrant as a Wealth-producing fact because of this the school thinks necessary that the fact of the creation of tolerance attitudes in the pupils is necessary to favour the intercultural relationship .
This year program is thinking to develop in a school situated in Mare de Déu del Remei Street , d´Alacant . The population is the middle class and it recovers a few qualificate job ,prevailing the workers for foreign account, the majority of them works in the construction of buildings and houses and peddlers . The women on the whole , devote to the domestic service.
The attended population is very diversed: sons of indigenous families with a significant number belonging to the gypsi etnia : There is well-Known the increase of immigrant families proceeding from Spanish-American countries as Ecuador, Colombia, which they come to this zone to work as a housekeeping.
The neighbourhood has three different primary education centers , two of high school, one of Preprimary , one center of permanent education and the art and applied trades next to our school .
Our neighbours have two libraries that nowadays don´t take advantage by the people of the neighbourhood.
A center of health of primary care covers the basic needs.
The neighbourhood has got a great zone of games, The “Lo Morant” park , sportscenter tracks so much in the same park as in our center, a cover sportscenter.
The MTA (Metropolitan transport area ) service communicates the neighbourhood with the rest of the city.
2.2 Class characteristics
Our class consist of a lot of pupils with a lot of different nationalities
– 3 morrocans
– 1 ecuadorians
– 3 colombians
– 1 pupil of East Europe
– And on the other hand :
– 5 gipsy pupils
– The rest of the pupils to complete 24 are spanish pupils.
All the derivade needs of all of this are :
– By one side the variety of languages and the educative level that they do necessary curricular adjustments to access to the currículum and the group ones too: by the other side the need to foment attitudes of tolerance and of respect towards the different cultures that interact everyday in our classroom
We are going to analize students who are in the third grade of primary education, for this reason, we have thought that it would be a good idea to analize how are these students if we analize them using Piaget stages.
Our students belong to the Concrete Operations Stage (7 to 11 years)
Intelligence is now both symbolic and logical.
Acquires ‘operations’ = a set of general rules and strategies.
The most critical part of operations is realising ‘reversibility’ = both physical and mental processes can be reversed and cancelled out by others.
The concrete operational child will overcome the aspects of rigidity apparent in a preoperational child. These are:
- lack of reversibility
- states
- appearance
- conservation
The tasks of concrete operations are:
- Seriation – putting items (such as toys) in height order.
- Classification – the difference between two similar items such as daisies and roses.
- Conservation – realising something can have same properties, even if it appears differently.
It is important to realise that operations and conservations don’t develop at the same time. They develop gradually and are not an ‘all or nothing’ phenomenon. For example, the first to develop is number conservation followed by mass conservation, area conservation, liquid conservation and finally solid volume conservation.
Thinking is not abstract. It is limited to concrete phenomena and the child’s own past experiences.
2.3 Collateral Topic of the centre
In our school there are a lot of nationalities and this is an adventage for eveybody because we can learn a lot of things each other. We think that the most important thing in the good development of the course is teaching students to respect each other, for this reason, we will focus our collateral topic in these aspects:
– moral and civic education
– peace education
Because these help us:
– To establish good relationships in the center.
– To eliminate any possible.
– To respect all of the cultures
3.1 Sequencing of the general objectives for the 2nd cycle
1- Listening and understanding messages, using transmitted information to develop tasks related to their experiences.
2- Communicating orally in easy and everyday situations, using verbal and non verbal communication and adopting a respectful and cooperative attitude.
3- Writing texts previously worked in class using models of diverse finalities.
4- Reading comprehensively for pleasure and to obtain information according to a final goal.
5- Learning to use with a progressive autonomy all the resources around them, including the new technologies to obtain information and to communicate in the foreign language.
6- Using the foreign language progressively to affirm and wide already known contents of the non linguistic areas to learn new ones.
7- Valuing the foreign language and any language, as an understanding and communication means among people from different nationalities and diverse cultures as learning tool for diverse contents.
8- Showing a receptive, interested and trusting attitude in their own learning ability and in the use of the foreign language.
9- Using the previous knowledge and experiences with other languages for a faster, positive and autonomous acquisition of the foreign language.
10- Using any language of the curriculum as information and learning tool, bearing in mind the competence developed in each one of them.
11- Identifying phonetic, rhythmic, stress and intonation aspects, as the linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the foreign language and using them as basic communication elements.
3.2. Assesment criteria for the second cycle
1- Getting the global idea and identifying some specific elements in oral texts, related with class activities and their surroundings with the support of linguistic and non linguistic elements present in communication.
2- Reading and getting the global and some specific information of easy and diverse texts, adequate to their communicative competence about known topics, with the help of basic strategies with a final task.
3.- Participating in class activities and in oral controlled interactions about known topics, in everyday, predictable, simulated communicative situations or related to communication necessities (talking about their abilities and likes, asking for permission…) respecting the basic exchange rules, such as listening and looking to whom is speaking.
4- Writing short sentences and diverse significative texts in everyday and school situations, from models, with a specific final task and with an established format, so on paper or digital.
5.- Using expressions and structures of the foreign language containing aural aspects (rhythm, stress and intonation) in different communicative contexts in a meaningful way, in reading aloud activities and where students can participate orally in an active way.
6- Using some strategies to learn to learn: asking for clarifications, observing models, accompanying communication with gestures, doing associations, using picture dictionaries and bilingual dictionaries, recovering, searching and obtaining information about known topics in different topics and identifying some personal aspects that help him/her to learn better.
7- Valuing the foreign language as a communication means among other people and showing curiosity and interest towards those speaking the foreign language.
8. – Identifying some daily life aspects, customs and celebrations of the countries where the foreign language is spoken and comparing them with their own.
– Consumer Education.
Nowadays the consumer society is a very big problem. We want our pupils to develop a critic attitude towards consumes, knowing their rights and duties, developing responsibility and solidarity and analysing and selecting products.
We will desenvolupe this aspect in the unit called “My Bedroom”
– Peace Education.
Through this collateral topic we want our pupils to develop values such as solidarity, tolerance, and respect for the diversity, dialogue capacity and social participation. From our area we develop this collateral topic teaching a foreign language and its culture. From the knowledge we achieve respect and tolerance.
We will desenvolupe this collateral topic in the following units: “My bedroom”, “The Ugly Duckling” and “The city”.
– Equality Education for both sexes. (Speaking about the housework)
To develop in our pupils non sexist values and respectful opinions without sex discrimination. We will focus on this item in the units “The food”, “ My bedroom”, and “The family”
– Moral and Civic Education.
Moral and Civic Education is developed in the unit following the rules of the class, working cooperatively and using good manners when interacting with the teacher or the classmates and behaving and being educated. We desenvolupe this collateral topic in the units: “My bedroom”, “The Ugly Duckling” and “The city”
– Road safety education
This Collateral Topic tries to educate our students with knowledge about correct behaviours in the city as a pedestrian or while cycling to avoid or cause accidents through the knowledge of the basic road signs and behaviours. It will be desenvoluped in “The city” unit
– Health education
We will develop behaviours that allow us to have positive health conditions related to different aspects: personal and social, environmental, physic and psychologic. This topic appears in “The food” unit
– Environment education
We work Environmental Education due to the fact that our pupils have to value and respect environmental places and their fauna. They also have to been conscious of the necessity to conserve them. It appears in the unit called “The city”
We must conceive education as a global process, in which children should develop attitudes and acquire contents from the different areas in an integrated way. According to this, we must work in our classes not only with our pupils previous knowledge of our subject, but also with aspects related to the other areas in the curriculum. These areas are the following:
- Literature and language: We have globalized with this subject in units: “ The city”, “My bedroom” and “The Ugly Duckling”
- Art: We have globalized with this subject in the unit “The Ugly Duckling
- Knowledge of the environment: We have globalized with this subject in units: “The city” and “The food”
- Music: We have globalized with this subject in the unit: “The city”
- Drama: In “My bedroom” we have done exercises about drama
- New Technologies: “The Ugly Duckling” and “The City” desenvolupe this area in some of these sessions
- Maths: We have globalized this subject in the unit called “The food”
6.1. Methodology (LOGSE & LOE)
ü Communicative approach. It is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction
ü Four skills in an integrated way.
ü Emphasis in the oral skills.
We think that reading and writing are important, but we don’t have to forget the oral and listening speaking
ü Significative learning. We think that with this kind of learning our children will learn better because their actual knowledge is related to the new information that we teach them
ü Lots of visual Aids. We have not to forget that they are children who are 8 years old so it is very important to reinforce the information with a lot of visual aids to attract their attention
ü Learning by doing: They will learn doing things, because we think that the practice is the best way to memorize and to adapt the new information to use it in the future correctly.
6.2. Groupings
We use all types of groupings in our class, individual work activities, pair work, group work and the whole class, depending on the skill we are working.
We will let students work on their own and at their own speed at some stage during the class. Individual work will be used in writing and reading to relax the students from outside pressure and to relay on themselves rather than on other people.
We will use the pair work to encourage pupils’ cooperation to increase the amount of pupil practice and to allow our pupils them to use the English language.
We think that to allow communication and co-operation among students who have different levels and interest the better way is the class grouping. Through the corners methodology we have the great advantage of allowing different groups of children to do different things in the classroom.
As teachers, we will act as a controller and assessor.
In the classroom we are going to:
– Try and achieve a warm, friendly, relaxed, atmosphere
– Make sure that the chairs and the tables are appropriately placed
– Make sure there is enough light and heating/ventilation
– Have a place where the children keep their English book and notebooks and worksheets for early finishers
– Display the children’s work and relevant posters on the walls, and keep the displays up to date.
– If the children are working in pairs or groups, we are going to walk around the classroom making comments, praising and encouraging.
– It is a good idea finishes a lesson with a whole class activity such a chant, a song, or a quick game.
6.3. Special Educative Needs
When we work oral skills in class, all the pupils work together in an integrated way following the same activities, but when we work the reading and writing processures, we want that all pupils help each others and that is why we choose this kind of methodology.
To continue we are going to comment on the most relevant legislation in material of regional n.e.e.:
DECREE 39 /1998 of March 31 of the Valencian government of arrangement of the education for the attention of the students body with the educational special needs .
Chapter II
General dispositions for the educational attention for the students with educational essential needs .
Article III
1. In order to make effective the beginning of opportunity equality and pupils with special educational needs to an administration education of the Valencian Autonomous Government will guarantee the conditions, and the necessary means in the form in which it establishes the present decree. The “Conselleria” of Culture, Education and Science will guard in order that the student educational special needs will rely on the precise help to progress development and process of learning, of agreement with their capacities
2. The “Conselleria” of Culture, Education and Science will guard in order that the student educational special needs will rely on the precise help to progress development and process of learning, of agreement with their capacities
July 16th of 2001 ORDER, for that the educative attention is regulated for the students with special educative necessities enrolled in centres of preprimary education and primary education
I. Regulations of general character
First. Object
The present order regulates the educative attention of the pupils with special educative needs , temporary or permanent , derivates of their own personal and school history or by the other side , personal conditions of intelectual highly gifted or Physic disability , motorboat or sensory, and plurideficients , that studies Children Education (2nd cycle) or Primary education.
– Stories
– Flashcards and short dialogues
– Reading cards and short texts about the story.
– Storybook about the famous tale.
– A song
– A dialogue
– A text and answering questions
– Reading and ticking if the question is true or false
– Photocopies with different pictures
– Worksheet with a lot of questions
– Alphabet game
– Simples texts
– Vocabulary of flash cards.
– Door hunger
– Posters
– Cross words
– Pc games
– Paint, cut and stick pictures
– Photos
– Dominoes
– Maching the picture with the word
– Fruits
– Memory game
– Recipe
– Plasteline
– Ingredients to make biscuits pastels
– Blackboard
8.1 Timing of the didactic units
To start with this point we take account that the pupils learning will be starting with the more particular learning (of his more immediate area) to more general. And at the same time the significant learning of these knowledge’s will be favoured already that it starts of the students knowledge’s – previously knowledge’s – to go relating it to the new learning’s.
Having all of that in account, the timing of our didactic units will be the next
1st term
- “Healthy food” Didactic Unit : it tries to encourage habits of feeding and a healthy way of life in the students
- “Halloween”
- “My bedroom” Didactic Unit: the basic aim It will be to develop attitudes of corresponsibility in the house, and the respect for the own and foreign belongings.
2nd term
“The city” Didactic Unit : it tries to develop the capacity of spacial orientation of the students in the middle of it goes round , as well as transverse aspects such as road security .
“The family “ Didactic Unit : the main objective is to delimite the different familiar roles and from the comparison that the pupils make of his/her own family manage to understand the different forms of family relations according to cultures.
3rd term
- “Ugly Duck” Didactic Unit: The objective of this didactic unit is to relate the English language contents with histories, tales that the pupils know, all of that serve us to develop the motivation and to introduce certain values that we want to foment in our classroom from the beginning of the year.
- “The wild animals”
- “The beach”: The objective of this didactic unit is to relate the summer contents with the real life, trying to practice the most possible vocabulary.
1st TERM | |
D.U. 1 “ Healthy food “ | September 7th ________ October 10th |
D.U.2 “ Halloween” | October 12th _________ November 9th |
D.U. 3 “ My house “ | November 12th ________December 14th |
2nd TERM | |
D. U. 4 “ The city “ | January 7th __________ February 6th |
D.U. 5 “ The family “ | February 8th _________ March 10th |
3RD TERM | |
D.U. 6 “ The Ugly Duck “ | April 2nd ____________April 30th |
D.U. 7 “ The Wild Animals” | May 2nd _____________May 28th |
D.U.8 “ The beach “ | June 2th _____________ June 19th |
8.2 Development of the units
Alberto González González
This didactic unit strives to be a kind of overview of certain concepts that are often dealt with in the English class, while serving for evaluation. It is an issue that often motivates students, as they feel founders of learning, gives them the opportunity to decide in a number of activities and realize what their progress in learning of a foreign language. There are activities in teams, in which they have to learn to organize and collaborate with others to get something that benefits all. We want to pupils learn the name of food and create well habits in their alimentation.
∞ Objectives:
– To develop habits of individual work and equipment, effort and responsibility in the study, as well as attitudes of confidence in itself, felt critical, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the learning, with which to discover the satisfaction of the done affluent task.
– To develop habits of individual work and equipment, effort and responsibility in the study, as well as attitudes of confidence in itself, felt critical, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the learning, with which to discover the satisfaction of the done affluent task.
– To understand and talking about tipical situations in class, oral and writting missages, questions and orders in english.
– To understand oral and writing texts about food.
– To understand and using linguistic conversations in habitual situations.
∞ Contents:
– Concepts:
(Previous knowledge: colors, numbers, measures -Big, small, round, large-)
1. fruits: Orange, apple, banana, pear, melon, strwamberry
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2. general food: milk, chocolate, biscuits, cream
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l Likes/dislikes (I like…/ I don’t like…)
l Verb to be (What’s this? —- Yes, it is…/ No, it is…/ It’s a…It’s as…), to give
/r/ orange, stramberry, pear
/І:/ cream
– Procedures:
– Understanding oral and written simple messages relating to common situations in the classroom. From social interaction and on the topic of food.
– Resource expressive body to express understanding and be understood
– Use oral and written vocabulary related to food.
– Giving verbal and nonverbal responses to commands, questions and messages related to the topic of food.
– Differentiation of food in response to various aspects.
– Development of good hygiene habits in food.
– Participation in individual, small group and group activities.
– Performingdialogues.
– Listening: listen to the name of different food, and short structures by the verbs to be and like.
– Speaking: To recognise and say the name of fruits and other foods using flashcards, speak about their likes/ dislikes. Construction of simple questions using verb to be
– Reading: reading vocabulary and a short recipe.
– Writing: to write about their likes/ dislikes. Construction of simple conversation using verb to be and verb to like.
– Attitudes:
– Curiosity to know the vocabulary of food in English.
– Interest by participation in group activities
– Interest by communicating in a foreign language
– Attitude of respect, listening and cooperation with partners
– To assess the importance of pursuing a balanced diet and good hygiene habits.
∞ Collateral Topics:
Health Education
Equality Education for both sexes.
∞Cross curricular aspects:
Knowledge of the environment
Art. Pupils have to do plasteline figures of fruits.
New technologies. We will use new technologies with computer games.
Presentation: – I show pupils some foods and I say the names. Practice: – To present vocabulary with flashcards what represent the vocabulary. Listen and repeat it. Production: – Listen and run! (we put the flashcards arround the class, and we say apple!! ( for example) and all the liders of the groups run to pick up the flascard and to stick on the board. | Presentation: – To remember the vocabulary of the story through flashcards Practice: – The pupils around the teacher will observe a poster, it is going by asking questions about different foods questions such as: – C Production: – Playing a memory game on the blackboard. | Presentation: – We are reading a short and easy recipe who contains many of aliments of the vocabulary. Practice: – Match the correct picture with the word. Production: – Pupils have to put in the correct order the diferent steps of the recipe. |
Presentation: – To remember the vocabulary using a poster with the reading cards of the fruits Practice: – Pupils have to work in pairs. One pupil write the name of a fruit in a post it and paste it in his/her partner front. This one have to discover by questions what is the fruit writted in his front. Production: In pairs, write a brief conversation about likes and deslikes. Do you like apples? Yes, I like And pears? No, I don’t like | – Computer games – Making with plasteline fruit figures – To make macedonia or other recipe – To make biscuits cakes |
· 1 banana
· 1/2 melon
· 5 Strawberries
· 1 apple
· 1 lemon
· Optional: cream
Peel the melon and apple. Cut banana, melon, strawberry and apple into bite-size pieces and place in a bowl.
Juice the orange and pour over fruit. Mix all. Place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour, or until you are ready to serve and finaly put cream.
· Biscuits
· chocolate
· milk
Put biscuits in a plate with milk. Put one layer of biscuits in another plate. Extend the chocolate on the biscuits and repit this operation five or six times. Finally cover all the cake with chocolate.
l Another possible recipe:
Marina Portabella Llinares Curso 2007-2008
Didactic Unit Title: MY BEDROOM
Grade: 3rd course
Timing: it will be developed on the end of the first term of the year sessions. It will start on November 12th and finish on 14 th December, until Christmas. We will have 13 sessions.
Sessions: It will be developed in the first term of the year
– To listen and understand messages, using transmitted information to develop tasks related to their experiences.
– To Learn related vocabulary
– To recognize and to produce the vocabulary related to the furniture and dependences of the house; prepositions
– To describe a house and the furniture therein.
– To understand oral and written dialogues related to descriptions of houses
– Vocabulary:
ü Parts of a house: dining- room, living-room, bathroom , kitchen, hall, bedroom
ü Furniture: sofa, armchair, desk, fridge, bed, desk.
– Grammar:
ü Verb to can: Can you go to the kitchen?
ü Possessive Adjectives: my, your
ü Prepositions of place: in, on, under
ü Where is my pencil? It’s on my desk
– Phonetics
ü /U/: bedroom, bathroom
ü /I/ : kitchen, fridge
– Listening:
ü listen to dialogues
ü repeat and listen to vocabulary of parts in the house
– Speaking:
ü oral expression of simple texts about the furniture
ü Representing a role play ( a real situation in our life)
ü Practising vocabulary of flash cards.
– Reading:
ü Reading vocabulary
ü Reading and ordering
ü Reading a text
– Writing:
ü To write on the door hunger
ü To complete a description
ü To write a description
ü Active use of the foreign language in classroom activities
ü Acceptance of reality itself
ü To respect the other students and the teacher.
ü Active collaboration in work groups and pairs
Collateral Topics:
– Consumer Education.
Nowadays the consumer society is a very big problem. We want our pupils to develop a critic attitude towards consume, knowing their rights and duties, developing responsibility and solidarity and analysing and selecting products.
– Peace Education.
Through this collateral topic we want our pupils to develop values such as solidarity, tolerance, and respect for the diversity, dialogue capacity and social participation. We develop this collateral topic teaching a foreign language and its culture, and at the same time, we achieve respect and tolerance from the knowledge.
– Equality Education for both sexes.
To develop in our pupils non sexist values and respectful opinions without sex discrimination.
– Moral and Civic Education.
Moral and Civic Education is developed in the unit following the rules of the class, working cooperatively and using good manners when interacting with the teacher or the classmates as well as behaving and being educated.
Cross-Curricular Aspects:
– Literature and language
– Drama
LISTENING-1st Session (L) | SPEAKING-2nd Session (L & S) | READING-3rd Session (L & S & R) |
Presentation: present vocabulary of parts of a house and its furniturePractice activity: listen to the vocabulary and recognize where the furniture in a house is. Production: listen to a dialogue of people who are talking about their house. | Presentation: listen and repeat vocabularyPractice activity: say and match the correct form on the poster (the pencil is on/over/in the desk) Production: oral expression – representing a dialogue about the characteristics of my house – asking where things in the house are using the flash cards | Presentation:– Reading vocabulary by reading a storybook– Reading cards Practice activity: – ordering story texts Production: – read the text of the dialogue – read the story book |
WRITING-4th Session (L & S & R & R) | ||
Presentation:– Cross words – Write on the door hunger Practice activity: – Completing a description of the story book Production: -Writing a description of my own house |
The City
Cristina Andreu Aguilera
Subject: English and its didactic Teacher: Myriam Cherro
Course: 2nd (Magisterio de Inglés)
GRADE: 2nd cycle, 3rd course
Sessions: It will start on January 7th and it will finish on February 6th so, we will have 10 sessions.
Timing: It will be developed in the Second term of the year.
SESSIONS: 10 sessions
TIMING: 50 minutes
1.- Listening and understanding messages in varied verbal interactions, using the transmitted information to develop tasks with the vocabulary of the city.
2.- Learning vocabulary about the city.
3.- Acquiring the pronunciation, meaning and intonation of new words.
4.-Learning grammar structures in simple present
5.-Producing orally a little text.
6.- Showing a receptive attitude in one own learning capacity and in the use of the foreign language.
· Transports: lorry, train, car, plane, bus.
· Places: school, restaurant, supermarket, park, library
· Directions: turn right, turn left, straight ahead
- Verbs: to be, to have got, to do, to go
- The structures:
0 This is a/an……………… (restaurant)
0 Subject+ verbs + other words (ej. Library is next to the hotel)
0 Interrogative + verb+ another words (ej. Where is the hotel?)
In this didactic unit we will work with this phonetics:
· /aɪ/ to Library;
· /ɜ:/ to turn
· /eɪ/ to train
· /ð/ to this
Ø Listening and repeat the vocabulary to the city
Ø Listening to a little story
Ø Repeating and complete a little history
Ø Repeating vocabulary of the flashcards
Ø Representing a dialogue
Ø Reading and saying if the question is true or false
Ø Reading vocabulary
Ø Matching the picture with the correct word
Ø Reading dominoes
Ø Writing vocabulary on a map
Ø Completing a story book
1. Make an effort to communicate in the English class.
2. Interest in participating in games and classroom activities
o Moral-civic education:
Moral and Civic Education is developed in the unit following the rules of the class, working cooperatively and using good ways when interacting with the teacher or the classmates and behaving and being educated.
o Peace education:
Through this collateral topic we want our pupils to develop values such as solidarity, tolerance, and respect for the diversity, dialogue capacity and social participation. We develop this collateral topic teaching a foreign language and its culture. From the knowledge we achieve respect and tolerance.
o Envinronment education:
We work Environmental Education due to the fact that our pupils have to value and respect environmental places and their fauna. They also have to be conscious of the necessity to conserve them.
o Road safety education:
This Collateral Topic tries to educate our students with knowledge in correct behaviours in the city as a pedestrian or while they were cycling to avoid or cause accidents through the knowledge of the basic road signs and behaviours.
· Knowledge of the environment: we speak about the city
· Literature : we present a text to the pupils
· New Technologies: we use pc activities
· Music
LISTENING-1st Session (L) | SPEAKING-2nd Session (L & S) | READING-3rd Session (L & S & R) |
Presentation: present vocabulary of the city (the teacher draw it on the blackboard)Practice activity: listen a little story (with the vocabulary of the city) about two girls that go around the city and talk about they are watching Production: listen the story and order the pictures | Presentation: listen and repeat vocabulary when the teacher question. What´s this?-Say the vocabulary on a big photography to the city. Practice activity: repeat the history that the teacher speak and complete it. Production: representing a dialogue about the history | Presentation:– Read vocabulary with the reading cards– Stick the reading cards on the big photography Practice activity: Read questions about the story and to question orally “true or false” Production: – Match the picture with the correct word – Play to read dominoes |
WRITING-4th Session (L & S & R & R) | Stations | |
Presentation: Write the name of transports and places on a map of a cityPractice activity: – Complete the words on a story book and draw the different scenes. Production: -Do a magnet for the fridge with the name of a transport |
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Esther Alavés Baeza Curso 2007-2008
SESSIONS: It will be developing on the second term of the year sessions.
We will have 12 sessions to practice
TIMING: It will be developing in the second term of the year. It will start on the 8th of February and we will finish on the 10th of March.
– Learn vocabulary in oral and writing form
– Produce orally
– Listen to family vocabulary
– Read and understand vocabulary previously worked in an oral form
– Write words and grammar constructions previously worked in class
-Vocabulary :
– Family : , Grandfather , Brother , Grandmother , Sister , Mother , Father
– Sports : Football, basketball ,tennis , golf ,
– Grammar :
– Personal pronouns
– this/that
– My /Your
– Can ,
– Play ,
Listening :
– Learning the pronunciation of the new words
– Listening and matching
– Listening and completing
– Listening and running
Speaking :
– Listening and repeating a dialogue in a story
– Representing a dialogue
Reading :
– Reading a text and answering questions
– Reading and ordering the story
Writing :
– Looking and writing
– Writing in a family book , with photos of our family
– Playing the alphabet game :
– To respect class materials and classmates
– To respect the teacher when he o she is speaking
– To appreciate the communicative value of the foreign language.
Collateral topics :
Equality education for both sexes (speaking about the housework)
Cross curricular aspects:
Moral and civic education.
1ST SESSION (Listening) | 2nd SESSION (Speaking ) | 3RD SESSION (Reading) |
PRESENTATION : Listen and repeat . What´s this?(with flashcards) : I show them the flashcards , they repeat and finally by groups they play what´s this with points . The group that answers more correct questions is the winner. PRACTICE : Listen to the story: – 1st they have to listen to the story with their eyes closed , – 2nd they have to listen to the story with their eyes open – 3rd they have to answer oral questions about the story PRODUCTION : Listen and repeat : They have to do this activity by groups. Each group will be one of the characters and they repeat the sentences at the same time. | PRESENTATION: Listen and point. What´s missing?(with flashcards). I say one of the words of the vocabulary and one of the students each time has to go to the blackboard and point to it . PRACTICE : “Role Play” They have to do a role play about the story of the 1st session . PRODUCTION: Family description: They have to bring a family photo and they have to do an accurate description about their families. The rest of the class has to ask questions like: – What´s his/her favourite food? – How old is he/she? | PRESENTATION: Listen and stick (with the poster ): I have to say one of the words and they have to take the correct writing card and then they stick it above the correct picture. PRACTICE : Listening. “Who am I? “ They have to listen to a story where all the family characters are speaking and they have to guess who is speaking in each time. PRODUCTION: Order the story . Cut and Paste it : I give them a disordered story with disordered strips , they have to read and then they have to cut and stick them in order and if they like they will paint them . |
4TH SESSION ( writing) | STATIONS | |
PRESENTATION: Listen and run. I stick the picture and written flashcards around the class, they have to do pairs of pictures and written flashcards. While the rest of the class is counting from one to ten one student of each group has to run and take the flashcards, they have to stick them on the blackboard. PRACTICE: “Alphabet game”: I say them three letters and by groups they have to write as many words as possible. The winner group will be the group that has written as many words as possible. PRODUCTION: “Family book“: The students make this, sticking photos or drawing their family group on the front page to each member. They can include information such as physical descriptions and habilities using CAN | 1st : Family dominoes 2nd : Crosswords 3rd ; “A lovely house “: They have to cover a milk carton with coloured paper. They can make the roof with corrugated red cardboard and open a window where they stick a photo of their family. They can add details like the plasticine cat on the roof or glossy paper flowers on the walls. |
Didactic Unit: The Ugly Duckling
1. TITLE: The Ugly Duckling
2. SESIONS: It will start on 2nd of April and it will finish on 30th April. If we consider that on 3rd of this month is “Santa Faz” day in our city and that we are in the second cycle (3 sessions of a week of English classes) , we will have 11 sessions of this unit.
3. TIMINGS: It will be developed in the third term of the year.
4.1. LISTENING: To recognize the basic vocabulary about The Ugly Duckling and the Present Simple structures in the oral way.
4.2. SPEAKING: To reproduce the basic vocabulary about The Ugly Duckling.
4.3. READING: To recognize the vocabulary and the learnt structures about The Ugly Duckling.
4.4. WRITING: To be able to reproduce the basic vocabulary about The Ugly Duckling in the written way.
5.1.2. GRAMMAR: The modal “CAN”, like for example, in the dialogue of the tale:
– Can I stay here?- asked the Ugly Duck
– Can you produce eggs?- said the hen
– No, I can´t
5.1.3. PHONETIC:
/^/→ duckling, ugly
5.2.1. LISTENING: Listening to the story “The Ugly Duckling”.
5.2.2. SPEAKING: Saying the vocabulary from flashcards and short dialogues to guess “the secret animal”.
5.2.3. READING: Reading some reading cards and short texts about the story.
5.2.4. WRITING: Writing a storybook about the famous tale.
– Valuing the foreing language and its culture through a traditional tale.
– To respect classmates and everybody although they were different from us
– Reinforce work in groups
– Peace education.
– Moral and civic education.
– Literature: I present the didactiu unit about a famous tale so this aspect will be clearly used in class
– Art: Students will have to make some handicrafts in the development of this unit
– New Technologies, because we will use the PC in the station session,
The story of Ugly Duckling for children (adapted for me) 1. In the farmyard One day Mum Duck sat on her eggs, suddenly the hen said: -Look, one egg is breaking!! And everybody said: -Oh! What a lovely duckling! After Mr.Cat shouted: -Look, other egg is breaking!! And everybody said: -Oh! What a lovely duckling! Afterwards, the sheep said!! -Look, the third egg is breaking! Oh! What a lovely duckling! But, when the dog said: -Look, the last egg is breaking! Everybody shouted: -What big ugly duck!! 2. In the house – Can I stay here?- asked the Ugly Duck – Can you produce eggs?- said the hen – No, I can´t – So then go away!- shouted the hen – Can I stay here? – Can you produce milk?- said the cow – No, I can´t – Go away!- said the cow – Can I stay here? – Can you catch mice? -asked the cat – No, I can´t – Go away! – Can you produce wool?- said the sheep – No, I can´t – So go away!! 3. In the garden – I can fly – Ugly Duck shouted – Oh, what beautiful swans!- he thought Suddenly, they shouted: – Eh, come with us! – No, I´m very ugly- said Ugly Duck – No, you are a beautiful swan. Look in see water!-said the swans – Oh yes! I´m a beautiful swan! |
Presentation: · To present vocabulary with puppets what represent the vocabulary. Listen and repeat it. Practice: · Listen to the story using the puppets Production: · Where is the mistake?: the teacher tells the story again but now she makes mistakes about the vocabulary and pupils have to recognize them | Presentation: · To remember the vocabulary of the story through flashcards Practice: § Can the_____ fly? In this activity the teacher asks pupils about the actions that animals can do (using the gestures) and they have to answer Production: To represent some fragments of the tale (role-play) | Presentation: · To review the vocabulary using reading cards and flashcards Practice: · What’s wrong?: Children have to discover which is the label that is in the incorrect place Production:
Presentation: · To remember the vocabulary using a poster with the reading cards of the story Practice: · Playing with the spelling of the words: In groups (4/5 students) have to write correctly the word that the teacher says about the vocabulary of “The Ugly Duckling”. This game will finish when one team get 5 points. They will received a certificate saying that they are the winners Production: Individual mat: children write a piece of the story and colour the mat | memory game about farm animals game about animal maker. They have to create an animal according to the rules of the game
The importante of a new evaluation is the base for the improvement of the quality of the education, so that, is important to do like a global form, systematic and formative.
For that, we are going to start of the evaluation in tour aspects:
1. Students evaluation.
2. Our own evaluation by the students.
3. Resources evaluation.
1. Student assessment
This will be done in three different moments
– It will be necessary an initial evaluation: to the begining of the year and to the begining of each didactic unit in what we are going to check the previous knowledges of the students to start with this and help them with their learning.
– We will do a continuous evaluation: along the whole process and during each activity and we will make us for :
o The direct observation in the class to do it. To help we resort to the use of diaries where it gather the levels of oral production of the pupils.
o Moreover it will have a register of the writting activities that the students will be done as at home as in the class.
o Reading tests
– Final assessment: it will be advisable when each term will be finish and it will be compulsory at the final of the course. This will be indicating the competence of the student in relation with the four basic skills of the language.
2. Evaluation of our own intervention.
Is important to evaluate all of the aspects that take part in the process and our labour is a main part of this, because of this, it will be evaluated , like this we can introduce the appropiate improvements , changing the behaviours or cambiando los comportamientos or actions that hasn´t favoured the labour and it is going to consolidate those that help us .
We do this at the final of the course through a questionaire where it shows ítems like: interest of the topics explained in class, methodology used by the teacher, activities realized in class that they like a lot.
As a teacher we evaluate us bearing in mind the polite of the planificate objectives in our year program
3. Resources evaluation.
It wouldn´t be important to plan and to organize all of the resources if we didn´t do an evaluation of its resources. When we do the programmate activities we will have to evaluate the materials that we have cosen to do the activity.
We have to think about if the timing has been correct, if we have done a good distribution and using the space o if in the process we find some difficulty in relation to these.
Other analysis aspects are the human resources, if they will be correct or on the other side they have resulted excessive, needs and not apprópiate to the question.
To the border of these aspects of general character, from the didactic of high level we can extract some evaluation criteria adjusted to the progresses that we wish that the pupils are having during all of this second level of the second cycle of Pre primary education.
· Cool Kids 3 CB. Oxford University Press España
· Twister 2, libro y cuadernillo. Richmond.
· Super Bus 2. Cuaderno del alumno y libro de ejercicios. Heinemann
· Bugs 2 Pupil’s Book. Editorial Macmillan-Heineman
· Happy Street 2. Oxford University Press España
· We have used the following laws to the elaboration of this year program:
– L.O.E. 2/ 2006
– Royal Decree 1513/2006 Primary Education Curriculum
– Decree 111/2007: Primary Education Curriculum for the Valencian Community
– DECREE 39 /1998 of March 31 of the Valencian government of arrangement of the education for the attention of the students body with the educational special needs .
– ORDER July 16th of 2001, for that the educative attention is regulated for the students with special educative necessities enrolled in centres of preprimary education and primary education