11 Dic Topic 15A – Times, authors and genres suitable for application in teaching English class. Types of texts.
Periods, authors and most suitable literary genres to be used in the English class. Types of texts....
Periods, authors and most suitable literary genres to be used in the English class. Types of texts....
If we consider that level is what students can actually do with the language, it will become obvious that even at the early stages students can in fact do a great deal with the language: They can identify sounds (vowels. consonants, intonation, stress, rhythm), certain...
The pupil of this age always desires inmediate results. It is possible that they will go out being able to speak something in this language ,being anxious to show what he has learnt ,without worring about mistakes and he´ll be prepared to use this language...
Including Literature in the FL teaching contributes to the students' general knowledge and their intellectual, social and moral development as well as of its appeal to the emotions. Extensive reading provides the possibility of internalizing the language and reinforcing...
La literatura infantil en lengua inglesa. Técnicas de aplicación didáctica para acceder a la comprensión oral, iniciar y potenciar los hábitos lectores y sensibilizar en la función poética del lenguaje....
There is literary work that has been created with the aim of being used by children and there are some works that, although they were not created with that aim, they have been used for children for such a long time and have become part...
In thepedagogy of second language acquisition, the introduction of authentic documents, such as songs, was introduced as a key to something alive, as the indication of a developing reality. The great advantage of songs is the possibility of “being remembered”....
Taking this fact into account, we can say that songs are a good resource to teach vocabulary, practise the language orally, improve pronunciation and intonation and also help children to know the culture of the foreign language...
Funciones del juego y de la creatividad en el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras. Definición y tipología de juegos para el aprendizaje y el perfeccionamiento lingüístico. El juego como técnica lúdico-creativa de acceso a la competencia comunicativa en lengua extranjera....
Dramatech niquesas means for the learning off oreign languages.thedramatizationofdailylifesituationsandtherepresentationoftales, jokes....