Temario 3 – Educación primaria Inglés

An ability to manipulate grammatical structure does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used. We talk about the importance of “choosing your words carefully” in certain situation, but we are less concerned about choosing structures...

No deben ser considerados como definitivos o excluyentes del lenguaje oral, sino que se ofrecen como una herramienta de sustitución del mismo, aunque en algunos sujetos si se pueden convertir en la única forma de comunicación debido a su grado de deficiencia...

The structures of a language, the rules governing the changes of their forms and the combination of elements composing it, constitute the grammar of that language. If our intention is to learn a language, we cannot just learn its vocabulary but we will have to...

It is very well known that language is a purely human activity , so much so that Aitchison entitles her work about Pycholinguistics “The articulate Mammal” states that “language involves the communication of ideas from the mind of speaker to the mind of a listener”...

Current Communicative approaches to second/ foreign language teaching advise to try to replicate the spontaneous process of L1 acquisition , as far as possible and we consider that this is the approach to our future teaching task implied by the title of this theme...

Campbell (1992) has stated that the main principle in learner‑centred teaching is that all class activities can be done using information that the learners themselves bring to the class. It is true that humanistic approaches[1] also accept active pupil involvement...

All class activities can be done using information that learners themselves bring to the class. This methodology involves pupils active partaking, and every single activity is based on the knowledge and experience of our pupils...